# Auto-generated from iotic-rdf-ontology repository, 3rd/pip_demo. Edits will be overwritten! @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix pip_demo: <http://data.iotics.com/pip_demo#> . @prefix sw: <https://schema.org/SoftwareApplication#> . # Classes pip_demo:Sensor a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Sensor"@en ; rdfs:comment "A device used to make digital observations about a subject."@en ; . pip_demo:AirQualitySensor a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Air Quality Sensor"@en ; rdfs:comment "A type of sensor used to measure air quality."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf pip_demo:Sensor; . pip_demo:KPI a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "KPI"@en ; rdfs:comment "A Key Performance Indicator used across the PIP demonstrator. Generated by the University Synthesizer application. Parent Class only - not used for shadow twins."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf sw:SoftwareApplication; . pip_demo:24hSummary a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Last 24 Hour Summary"@en ; rdfs:comment "A Key Performance Indicator used across the PIP demonstrator for rolling averages over the prior 24 hour period. Used to create shadow twins for selective sharing."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf pip_demo:KPI; . pip_demo:HourlySummary a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Last Hour Summary"@en ; rdfs:comment "A Key Performance Indicator used across the PIP demonstrator for rolling averages over the prior 1 hour period. Used to create shadow twins for selective sharing."@en ; rdfs:subClassOf pip_demo:KPI; . # Properties pip_demo:hasManufacturer a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Manufacturer"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The company responsible for the original manufacture of the device."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:string . pip_demo:hasMinOpTemp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Minimum Operating Temperature"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The minimum temperature in degrees Celsius at which the device is designed to operate reliably."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasMaxOpTemp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Maximum Operating Temperature"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The maximum temperature in degrees Celsius at which the device is designed to operate reliably."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasMinStoreTemp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Minimum Storage Temperature"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The minimum temperature in degrees Celsius at which the device may be stored safely."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasMaxStoreTemp a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Maximum Storage Temperature"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The maximum temperature in degrees Celsius at which the device may be stored safely."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasAveDraw a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Average Current Draw"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The average electrical current in milliamperes drawn by the device."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasPeakDraw a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Peak Current Draw"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The peak electrical current in milliamperes drawn by the device."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasDimHeight a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Height Dimension"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The height dimension of the device excluding any mountings or connectors in millimetres."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasDimWidth a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Width Dimension"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The width dimension of the device excluding any mountings or connectors in millimetres."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasDimDepth a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Depth Dimension"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The depth dimension of the device excluding any mountings or connectors in millimetres."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasWeight a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Weight"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The weight of the device excluding any mountings or connectors in grams."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasUpdateInterval a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Update Interval"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:Sensor ; rdfs:comment "The expected interval between observations made by the device in seconds."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:measures a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "measures"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:AirQualitySensor ; rdfs:comment """The subject for which air quality observations are made. This is a URI pointing to a pollutant defined here https://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/pollutant/"""@en ; rdfs:range xsd:uri . pip_demo:hasMinParticleMeasure a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Minimum Particle Measurement"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:AirQualitySensor ; rdfs:comment "The minimum particle size the device can detect in micrometres."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasMaxParticleMeasure a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Maximum Particle Measurement"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:AirQualitySensor ; rdfs:comment "The maximum particle size the device can detect in micrometres."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasAccuracy a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Measurement Accuracy"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:AirQualitySensor ; rdfs:comment "The accuracy of the particle size observations in micrometres per square metre."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:decimal . pip_demo:hasSummarizationPeriod a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Summarization Period"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:HourlySummary ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:24hSummary ; rdfs:comment "The period of time over which values are summarized."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:String . # note the range should probably utilise a list instead of a string pip_demo:hasSummarizationOperation a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Summarization Operation"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:HourlySummary ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:24hSummary ; rdfs:comment "The summarization operation (e.g. average, max, min) performed on the data."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:String . # note the range should probably utilise a list instead of a string pip_demo:hasProjectName a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Project name"@en ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:KPI ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:HourlySummary ; rdfs:domain pip_demo:24hSummary ; rdfs:comment "The name of the project the class is associated with."@en ; rdfs:range xsd:String .