# Auto-generated from iotic-rdf-ontology repository, iotics/public. Edits will be overwritten! PREFIX iotics: <http://data.iotics.com/iotics#> PREFIX pub: <http://data.iotics.com/public#> PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> pub:HostTwin a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf pub:AllowListValue ; rdfs:subClassOf iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:label "Iotics Host Twin"@en ; rdfs:comment "The Iotics Host virtual counterpart"@en ; . pub:hostAllowList a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Host Data allow list"@en ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether a Digital Twin's Data is accessible or not by a Digital Twin from other Hosts. The Twin's Data will always be accessible to other Twins in the same Host."@en ; rdfs:domain iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:range pub:AllowListValue ; . pub:hostMetadataAllowList a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Host Metadata allow list"@en ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether the Digital Twin's Metadata is visible or not to other Hosts. The Twin's Metadata will always be visible in the same Host."@en ; rdfs:domain iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:range pub:AllowListValue ; . pub:userAllowList a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "User allow list"@en ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether a set of user identities are allowed to perform an action against the Iotics API."@en ; rdfs:domain iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:range pub:AllowListValue ; . pub:agentAllowList a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "Agent allow list"@en ; rdfs:comment "Determines whether a set of agent identities are allowed to perform an action against the Iotics API."@en ; rdfs:domain iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:range pub:AllowListValue ; . pub:isInCircle a rdf:Property rdfs:label "Is in Circle"@en ; rdfs:comment """One or more Circles to which this twin belongs. Any allow list rules from Circles are considered together with existing twin-assigned ones. There is no additional rule precedence beyond what is defined or individual rules. """@en ; rdfs:domain iotics:DigitalTwin ; rdfs:range iotics:Circle ; . pub:AllowListValue a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Allow list value"@en ; rdfs:comment "Value expected to be a DID or one of pub:all or pub:none."@en ; . pub:all a iotics:AllowListValue ; rdfs:label "All identities allowed value"@en ; rdfs:comment "Allow list value used to allow any interaction initiated by the related identity."@en ; . pub:none a iotics:AllowListValue ; rdfs:label "No identities allowed value"@en ; rdfs:comment "Allow list value used to deny any interaction initiated by the related identity."@en ; .